Seeing the beauty in others
It’s so easy to be blinded by the bad things of this world that we often overlook the beauty around us. Especially the beauty of the people we interact with on a day-to-day basis. We all have good and bad traits within us. But you have to choose what you want to see in others, and what side you want to bring forth in them. When we tend to seek the best in others it will inspire them to be better, and vice versa as well.
I’ve summed up a few ways to improve your skills below.
We need to look beyond ourselves and our own problems to see the beauty in others. The biggest mistake we make is to compare ourselves against others and to measure our successes or failures against them. Instead, we have to see everyone as wonderfully unique individuals and how they shine in their own way.
It all starts on the inside. You have to want to see the beauty in others. If you want to change your behavior, you must change your mindset. And as you practice this new way of thinking, you’ll get better and better. Soon it will develop into a sustainable habit. Your desire for this type of change needs to be so strong that you must want it with all your heart, otherwise you will fail.
Being yourself around others will inspire them to show you their good side as well. You have to be very self-confident to always be yourself. Believe in what you stand for and don’t be influence by peer pressure or by the standards of the world. Hold fast to your values and morals. This way, people will respect you more. They’ll know that you are strong enough to stand up for something, even if it means you have to stand alone. When others see that you are confident, they will know what to expect from you, and it will give them the courage to open up as well. People will most likely start to feel more comfortable in your presence and will start to show more and more of the treasures hidden in their hearts. You have to be strong because that’s the only way you can encourage others to be strong too. And then life becomes beautiful.
Shift the focus away from your own little world and start to notice those around you. Only then will you be able to see their true beauty. Seek the good in others and always be yourself. Show the world your true colors and choose to be beautiful!
By Baloo the Bear